About Us

Kilimanjaro Climbing Company is owned and operated by Deo Na’alli and his Australian partner Amanda Norman. With Deo’s vast experience on the mountain he naturally oversees the planning and logistics of every expedition conducted by Kilimanjaro Climbing Company. Your climb can be tailored according to your needs ensuring you have a truly unique experience. Your safety and the quality of your Kilimanjaro experience are assured in Deo’s capable hands.

Amanda has spent most of her professional life in Australia as a research and management consultant. Now based in Arusha, Amanda has previously owned and operated her own tourist operation at Victoria Falls Zimbabwe and has an extensive knowledge of southern and east Africa gained since her first visit almost 20 years ago. Amanda is responsible for the day to day administration of Kilimanjaro Climbing Company and will usually be your first point of contact either by phone or email to arrange your climb and answer any queries regarding logistical details.

Deo Safari lake Manyara          Amanda

The team back in Arusha after a successful summit with some happy but tired climbers

The team back in Arusha after a successful summit with some happy but tired climbers